Family Therapy Essay

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A Guide to Therapy Treatments for Psychosis
Hywel Davies
By Hywel Davies
Jun 17, 2015
Psychosis is a condition where the person turns deprived of touch sensation due to one reason or the other. This also includes hallucinations or delusions. The sufferer also has false beliefs about one thing or the other. Additionally they hear, feel and see things that aren't present there. In severe cases, patients also hurt others/ themselves. Various therapies are introduced to treat people suffering from Psychosis. These include various psychotherapies, mood stabilizers, family therapy, substance abuse counselling, and antipsychotic medication. The listings laid below brief about the various therapy treatments for Psychosis.

Cognitive Therapy
In this therapy, the behaviour of the person is taken into consideration. In this therapy, the expert observes the way the person perceives …show more content…

Antipsychotic medication is also used with this therapy. Therefore, it could help a person suffering from psychosis. Cognitive behavioural therapy is becoming increasingly popular all over the globe to treat schizophrenia. This standard treatment is also quite helpful to treat depression, substance abuse and various other cause of psychosis.

Family Therapy
Besides cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy is also a good option to treat psychosis. A number of benefitted themselves with this therapy. During this therapy, the members of the family attend an informal meeting in order to discuss about the treatments that can be used to treat psychosis. They also discuss about the progress of the affected individual.

In this therapy, the caretakers might also ask for help to deal with various practical concerns, as caring for an individual that is neither physically sound nor mentally is quite stressful. Therefore, family therapy seeks to support both- the affected person and as well as his/her loved ones.

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