Famnola Executive Summary

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Executive Summary FAMNola is a locally owned mid tier street style men’s boutique located in New Orleans, LA. Our focus is to bring brands that are not normally accessible to the city of New Orleans. As a company, are striving to position ourselves as the top retail boutique servicing this particular market. We are one of the first mid tier street style men’s boutique in the city of New Orleans. Our intentions are to obtain 80% market share and become a central hub of shopping activity for urban styled men and the youth as well who enjoy street style wear and influence of many cultures. Unfortunately, our following and engagements on social media are not where they should be as a clothing boutique. We feel that these particular factors should be higher based off our brand image and the image of the owner who has over 13k followers on his personal Instagram profile. . …show more content…

I also recommend utilizing Instagram business platform, which includes their insights in which will have the capacity to track which of their posts, are performing admirably, and different insights about their crowd's socioeconomics. Even though majority of Instagram business profile is free, there is a fee that will have to be set based on the company’s budget, which will allow a promotion, or ad to be ran on both Instagram and Facebook at the same time. The only additional cost incurred will be 3.15 a day for 60+ days to promote FAMNola nationally and worldwide. This promotion would be a great way to reach a larger crowd and potentially gain more followers. This low-cost investment will lead to more insights and improve social media