The Importance Of Fast Eating Habits

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A wonderful morning to everyone present here on this auspicious and beautiful day. I am sure all of you are wondering in your heads who is this man standing here with this slides and projector. Well, I am Puvaneswaran and I am not here to lecture you on another marketing skills and strategy to hit the company’s goal. I am a dietician here to give you a talk on your eating habits. Before you start judging me on the topic which I’m sure all of you have special preference on your favourite dishes, likes and dislikes, I want you to recall your daily activity first thing when the huge wall clock in your office hits five on the dot. Yes! You leave your desk, start your engine and drive straight to home. Oh no, you do not. You drive straight to the …show more content…

Importantly, fast food is affects you are bad. Bad in terms of cardiovascular disease, weight gain leading to obesity, diabetes and all mortality causing food. Similarly, the nitric acid content in the burgers can trigger cancer cells in your body. No matter which type of fast food you consume, each meal is high in fat, low nutritional value and high content of sodium and calorie in which, the condition leads to dysfunction of heart and further effect the rest of the body. Everytime, we visit the fast food store, some do display the nutritional value in the store, but majority of you here, do not take the initiative to analyse the information on the pamphlet. All we know is to eat and yeah do everything else that is not beneficial to our body. Ingesting three main meals from a fast food store eventhough the meal sources from different shops not only accumulates excessive amount of toxins in your body but feeding slow poison to your system. I am stressing to all of you here, fast food is killing your body and the family you are feeding this slow poison into is damaging their health internally without the realization of