Fast Food Issues In America

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America is internationally known as the Fattest Country in the world and with how much fast food the average family eats, this assumption seems to hold validity. There is however, a way we can change this and make America a much healthier country, by cutting down on fast food intake and increasing Americans’ knowledge of healthier choices.

“In 2015 Globally, the Fast Food Industry’s revenue was $570 billion. In the United States the Revenue of the Fast Food Industry was a whopping $200 billion” (Fast Food 2016). This means that of the 196 countries in the world, one country makes approx. 35% of the worlds Fast Food Revenue.

As shown by these disturbing numbers, anyone that looks at this can see that America must have a problem. No reasonable healthy country eats $200 billion worth of Fast Food a year. Not being healthy really is an issue in the US, being that a large part of our population is overweight or obese. Actually to be exact, “As of 2011 to 2012 more than two thirds of adults in America are overweight or obese.”(Ogden 2014) …show more content…

But most of those reasons are actually not true. For instance, the average American family eats out 18.2 times per month which costs them $232 per month per person (Hamm 2012). This compared to the average family of four spending as low as 146 dollars per person per month on groceries for a healthy diet (Hellmich