Fast Food Nation Essay

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There is not a day that goes by that I’m going to drive past a fast food restaurant and not want a quick fix. That was until after some research that there was something that they were adding to make the food everyone eats that make most people crave more and more. There was a report that came out about what happens to our bodies when we eat it and that is sugar. Some doctors say that it has the same effect on your body as cocaine. ( This often makes my body feel like it’s time for nap, but then it’s time for more food and the cycle starts over again. So what exactly do the company’s like McDonalds or Wendy’s add to their food to make Americans an overweight nation? The FDA should start limiting the amount of calories in the processed foods Americans eat could help control diseases associated with obesity because with a …show more content…

Have you ever wondered how they make the food so cheap, first off Subway has a “premium egg blend” which is found to have a special blend of glycerin, silicone and calcium silicate, which can be found it other product like silly putty and concrete. Then there is McDonalds chicken nuggets that come from what they call “mechanically separated meat”, this includes bones and carcass that’s leftover and ground up in a food processor. The chicken nuggets are then shaped, breaded, then fried to perfection. Last but not the least the lettuce that seems to be healthy is covered in a chemical called propylene glycol which can be found in antifreeze, just so the lettuce will stay crisp. Since all these companies are adding mysterious products to our food it has become a nation of people stuck on chemicals and added sugars. When trying to detox your body from these unknown products it’s as though you’re coming off drugs like cocaine or