Fast Food Persuasive Essay

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Fast food invasion is a major problem; a few ways that America is planning to battle junk-food caused obesity in the near future are through counter-advertising, taxing unhealthy food, calorie labeling, warning labels and the posting of other nutrition information. New York is a leader in this movement, already requiring fast food restaurants to have at least the calorie count of all menu items available for consumers to see. Places like Wendy's and Starbucks have their nutrition information online on their websites. Counter-advertising is an effective, proactive way to reach out to potential junk-food eaters and encourage them in a different direction towards good choices and good health. By showing foods that have more health benefits rather then the overrated, falsified, and genetically-produced meals from fast food chains, consumers will begin to see, learn and understand that healthy choices are directly linked to their personal feeling of well-being as well as physical health. …show more content…

Some of the main reasons that people consume fast food is because it's cheap and convenient. If fast food suddenly became more expensive, I believe that people would be forced to stop eating it. If the cost of advertising fast food products also rose drastically, it would undermine the power of the food marketing machine and reduce its outreach. Restaurants can post nutrition information and calorie warnings in quantity but real change will only come about when the changes start to affect the pocket books of Americans as the cost of the marketing mix at McDonald's, Wendy's, Subway, Chick-fil-a, Burger King, and Dairy Queen to name a

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