Persuasive Essay On Mexican Food

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Some simple advice: to save a buck or two, exchange some money and buy your food in the local currency, not in USD. It's slightly cheaper. Also, don't hesitate to ditch the fancy restaurants and bars and hit the local markets and stalls to taste the real Costa Rican food. Here are some foods you should expect:

1. Coffee - You cannot set foot in Costa Rica and not try their local coffee. The beans have such a rich taste, derived from fruitful volcanic soils, and the taste is always silky smooth. The export of coffee has actually been a great contributor to Costa Rican economy, as the local beans are known world-wide for their outstanding quality.
2. Cevivhe Tico - Even though you may not necessarily associate Costa Rica with ceviche, it is …show more content…

Granizados - A treat perfect for a beach day. A local dessert consisting of ice, powdered milk, condensed milk and any kind of flavoured syrup. It's sold by local vendors pretty much everywhere, but mostly around and on beaches.
4. Chifrijo - Even though its origins are not exactly clear, it's definitely popular in Costa Rica. Especially in the bar scene. Chifrijo is one of those easy-to-prepare, available everywhere dishes and it consists of black beans, rice, pork bits, pico de gallo sauce and tortilla chips.
5. Gallo pinto - A traditional meal with a capital T. No way you stay in Costa Rica and not try this simple mix of black beans and rice. It's filler food, supposed to be eaten for breakfast and supply you energy throughout the entire day. It's usually served with scrambled eggs.
6. Fresh fruit - Although not really a dish, the fruit in Costa Rica is especially good. Tasty and juicy, it's great as a snack or dessert. The bananas, which the country is famous for, are especially good, but also papayas, pineapples, mangoes and strawberries are easily available and relatively cheap.
7. Churros - Fried dough fingers covered in sugar. This is the unhealthy alternative to fruit, but nobody can help themself when they're so finger-licking

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