
Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Destiny means that a person has little or no choice in how their life will become, but their life is set to be a certain way. My people and religions believe in destiny, some think of it as a destiny to succeed, while others think their destiny is to fail. But, all that think destiny is real agree that your destiny is final. Destiny can sometimes lead to amazing victories, or tragic endings. A common term that is a synonym to destiny is fate. Fate is the development of events that is beyond a person's control. Someone’s fate means that no matter what they do, they will have the same end. Many characters throughout many stories have been fated to either fail or succeed. Even entire stories are built around fates of characters. In William Shakespeare’s …show more content…

No matter what Romeo did, he was going to kill Tybalt because he was destined too. Tybalt came up to Romeo and said he wanted to fight, Romeo explained that he loves him, but can not tell him why. Just after that Tybalt and Romeo’s friend, Mercutio, Fight. Romeo tries to break it up, but he accidently causes Mercutio’s death. Romeo then says, “Either thou or I, or both, must go with [Mercutio]” [3.1.130]. Even though Romeo was family to Tybalt, and loved him he still had to kill him. Romeo did not even want to fight, but as stated in the quote, Romeo or Tybalt, or both, had to die. Romeo using the word must illustrate how no matter what either of them do, one of them was going to die. Romeo, as well, had to avenge his beloved friend. Due to fate, Romeo had to kill Tybalt, which led to the tragic ending of the play. After both Mercutio and Tybalt were killed, the city awoke and looked to the prince for an answer. Although Romeo was avenging the prince’s kinsman, he still needed to punish Romeo, “And for that offence/ Immediately we do exile him hence” [3.1.192-193]. The prince, although probably not wanting to, had to punish Romeo. Because Romeo was exiled, his relationship with Juliet was destined to fail. Romeo’s exile ultimately controlled the entire play, and the exile was due to fate. Fate caused Tybalt’s death, which motivated every other event of the …show more content…

No matter what Romeo did, he was going to go to attend the party in which he meets Juliet. A servant to the Capulet’s was assigned to deliver invitations to the guests of the party. However, the servant could not read so he went to a random stranger and says, “To Romeo I pray, sir, can you read?” [1.2.59]. Out of the thousands of people that the servant could have gone to, the servant went to Romeo. Since Romeo is born to a powerful family, he was able to

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