Fate Is To Blame In Antigone By Sophocles

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Blame is a theme that has been coming up in stories for generations. Many a character (and readers) have been faced with finding who is at fault. Sophocles, ancient Greek tragedian crafted the play Antigone that is a perfect example of answering the question: Fault or Fate? Blame can be defined and viewed in many different ways. The official definition of blame is: to find fault with; to replace responsibility for (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Oedipus Rex, Antigone, the gods of Olympus, and the people of Thebes all had a hand in the trouble that was brought upon Thebes. All of these characters actions in one way or another impacted the story and helped put the puzzle pieces of the fall of Thebes.
Antigone’s father was the initial cause of the …show more content…

Oedipus was a victim of fate. He never knew about the tragic life ahead of him. Being the perfect example of a tragic hero. His tragic flaw was pride which not only caused the problems in Thebes to begin, but it also is a reoccurring theme throughout the entire story of Oedipus. Though Oedipus’s fate was a significant factor in moving the story it was his pride that sealed his fate. In many Greek tragedies characters are often seen trying to run away from their fate. In the process, they only end up solidifying it. In the case of Oedipus, his fate was that he would kill his father and marry his mother. In an attempt to save himself Laius, Oedipus's father attempted to kill Oedipus. Yet fate stepped in and Oedipus was found and raised by his adopted parents. He grew up into an adult and ended up meeting his father at crossroads. He wouldn't move out of Oedipus's …show more content…

She decided to go against Creon's decree for Polynices to be left to rot on the battlefield (not be able to cross into the afterlife, eternal damnation). Antigone decides to bury Polynices. Antigone believes that supernatural laws trump earthly laws and doesn't want to go against the laws of the gods. Antigone

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