Fatima And The Biopsychosocial Model

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Written Assignment Unit 1 The case study of Fatima, who is a 30 year old single mother of 2 young children and works 50 hours a week in order to support and care for her family, demonstrates several psychological constructs including social norms, habits, delayed help seeking, quality of life and health outcomes. Although Fatima does not smoke, her choice of eating processed foods instead of fresh fruits and vegetables because of food costs, and avoiding seeing a doctor when she suffered from occasional chest pain and fatigue, have progressed to her diagnosis with hypertension at the hospital after she fainted one day. This paper will discuss health psychology and the biomedical model. It will also discuss the four main theoretical frameworks …show more content…

The bio contributing factors consist of bacteria, viruses, genetics and structural defects. The psycho factor of health and illness were described in terms of emotions, cognitions, beliefs, pain, stress and behaviors. The social factor of the biopsychosocial model was described in terms of social norms of behavior, pressures to change behavior, social class, social values, ethnicity and the environment. The social conditions range from family context, conditions of poverty and cultural influences. In Fatima’s case her eating habits due to conditions of poverty and her quality of life where she works 50 hours a week were the psychological constructs that possibly led to her chronic illness of being diagnosed with …show more content…

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