Federal Mandated Healthcare Pros And Cons

413 Words2 Pages

Cody Dulac
Polis 210
Short essay

Healthcare Issues

For decades affordable healthcare has been an ongoing issue that has plagued our country. Many believe that healthcare should be provided to the people by the government at an affordable cost. Others believe that it should fall upon the individual to provide healthcare for their selves; others also believe that it should be mandated by state. No matter what the belief all can agree that some form of healthcare is better than none at all. The issue that needs to be addressed is should the federal government mandate healthcare for all citizens or should it be mandated at state level.
There are benefits to having federally mandated healthcare. One of the benefits would be it would greatly improve the healthcare system by creating equal healthcare for all citizens ("Advantages of Government Health Care."). Another benefit of having …show more content…

One of the disadvantages of having federally mandated healthcare would be that it would eliminate competition by eliminating competition the need for innovation would also be eliminated. One of the biggest disadvantages would be that it would increase the federal debt. (Pros & Cons of Universal Health Care)
Some of the benefits of having state mandated healthcare would be that it would fall on state legislators to regulate healthcare to meet specific needs that differ from each state. It would allow for more flexibility. Some disadvantages would be that it could potentially drive up the cost of coverage because it would vary from state to state (Carey, Mary Agnes).
A solution to this decade plus issue that might solve some of the problems would be to meet somewhere in the middle. It would be a hybrid system that takes the best of both healthcare systems. A federally regulated healthcare system that has the flexibility to cover the needs that differ from state to state, that would be affordable to the