
Federalism In The United States

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What is federalism? It is an agreement between two or more sovereign states to create a new state in which each state will exercise specific powers. This agreement helped shape the constitution. The United States constitution helps explain the powers and what jurisdiction of each part of government. For this reason the constitution is considered to be absolute or the supreme law of the federation. In turn nothing against the constitution therefore can be enforced. However, if a change is required to be made of the constitution it must go through numerous steps as spelled out in the constitution. How are the powers divided? In federalism the powers are divided equal between the federal and provincial governments. There is no set or uniform …show more content…

When using the Canadian method the powers of the provinces are put into script while the residuary powers are given to the federal government. This is done to make the federal government strong or the central government strong while making the states or providences weak.
The last method is called the Indian method. This method was introduced in India under the act of 1935. This method has three lists. One of the lists contains powers for the federal government. This list is known as the federal list. The second list is the provincial list, which is followed by the last list the concurrent list. The concurrent list can be used by either the federal or the provincial powers. If ever there becomes a conflict between the federal and the provincial law. Then the concurrent law while provincial and be supreme.
Yes, federalism can increase liberty, encourage diversity, promote creative experimentation, and promote a responsive government. The reason behind this is a government needs to have a checks and balances. Another reason is that we need to have a centralized power but it needs to be kept in check. The centralized power needs to keep the focus of the little people in mind while still giving them room to advance

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