Ferguson Riots: The Life And Death Of Michael Brown

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We all feel sorry for Michael Brown. He was an innocent black teenager, shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson . The killing of Michael Brown prompted protest that roiled the whole area, Ferguson for weeks. There were riots on the streets, windows at shops were broken and the shops were looted. All over the area black people participated in the riots because they felt that the police saw the blackness as a threat. But what are some of the possible causes of the riots, that blacks did in Ferguson to show their dissatisfaction? A lot of people think that Browns death is a big issue about race. Therefor a question is is it possible to build a better relationship between the black community and the police and prevent this in the future. …show more content…

In the period 14 August till 17 August, there was a pew research poll . The poll showed a different attitude between the blacks and whites. 80% of the blacks felt that Brown’s death raised big issues about race. On the other side only 37% of the white people felt the same way. 18% of the blacks felt that race is getting to much attention and 47% of the white felt this way. Therefor there was a big difference in the attitude between the blacks and whites. The blacks felt very suppressed which also affected the riots. The blacks started the riots to show, that Michael Brown wasn’t the only one who had felt discrimination. Many other unarmed black men lost their right to live by law enforcement. Police officers shot them without reasons. But is this because of the police officers nervousness for that the victims had a gun in their pocket?