Trayvon Martin Case Study

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Actually, I think racial issues happen no matter where you live and sometimes they are more obvious. In specific parts of Florida there are some genuine racial issue influencing minorities. A few years prior, there was a national debate over the murder of Trayvon Martin.
The killing of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen living in Florida showed there were some differences along racial lines, and this time the race card was played out in another way. Also, the news talked about how many Blacks and minorities felt that Trayvon’s death was racially motivated. After the trial was over and the killer was found not guilty and according to news reports, some individuals did not agree with the verdict because Trayvon was unarmed and they felt that he was probably just defending himself. It was also reported that Blacks and minorities were convinced that Martin was targeted because he was a young black man and the state of Florida is racist. …show more content…

The media said that the Ferguson police officers drove up to where Brown and a friend were on the 2900 block of Canfield Drive and requested that they keep moving. According to reports ,Brown and the cop began to argue and a shot was fired from the police vehicle and the two men began to flee. Also, the cop left his vehicle and began to pursue them, and then he started firing at least six shots and fatally wounded Brown. The cop who shot him was white and it is unknown why after the argument that the officer went after them and fatally shot Brown. I believe he followed them because he has a problem with Africa-American people. Based on what I have read and heard on the news, in Ferguson, Missouri individuals that live there are still dealing with racism issues which is