Feudalism Vs Manorialism Research Paper

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Medieval Europe was not governed like many other countries or kingdoms, instead it followed a system known as feudalism. In order to make politics run smooth and calm, feudalism connected to the Middle Ages. The people in the society could provide food for there families, was because of Manorialism. The Beadle played a huge role in the manor, that the lord would struggle without the help of the Beadle. Through its military, economy feudalism was a system that allowed everyone to contribute to the society, one of the major contributors to the past era of feudalism and manorialism is the Beadle.

Feudalism was a political system, of organization, power and influence. Feudalism was important because it created a social ladder, with different social classes, in the feudal …show more content…

Each class gave and received goods from the class above them. Each class received a grant for the labor they did. This happened during the high middle ages (“Medieval Manor”). Feudalism specifies the status of the individual and his relations with his superiors and inferior (Bishop). The grantor was lord of the grantee, his vassal, but both were free men and social peers, (“Medieval Manor”). Feudalism includes an economic system based on land, man’s rights to land correspond with his social rights (Bishop). In which ownership of land is the basis of authority is known in history as feudalism. (Stubbs).Under this system the people were bonded because they promised loyalty (Bower and Lodbell 22) At the top of the feudal society were monarchs, or kings and queens (Bower and Lodbell 23). Feudalism was a very important system in the society. Feudalism was a system of political and military relationships