Field Experience Reflection Paper

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I am submitting my first field experience reflective paper, journal, time sheet, evaluation, and thank you note under Standard 4 because it documents that I have observed teachers using strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.

During my 12 hour of observation, I was able to see the unique styles of teaching strategies at Ottumwa High School and Eddyville Elementary school. In the high school setting, I was able to observe six different English classes. Some unique classes that I was able to sit in was Criticizing Comics and Heroes in Literature. I noticed that both these classes required a lot creativity from students who wanted to show their originality. In the other English classes, I did take notice that two teachers were engaged the whole time by walking around and giving them feedback on their essays. Teachers who gave …show more content…

They were more likely to have trouble discipline issues with students. In addition, they did not adjust or try to adapt to a different method to control the classroom. For example, one English teacher had let students listen to an audio narrative tape to read a required book in class. This made students less instead of the teacher reading and going through the book and explaining important points. Moreover, I noticed teachers allowed students to utilize their laptops by working on current assignments in class. This kept most students occupied and non-interruptive. At the elementary school I had an entirely different experience from a high schools setting. Students were well behaved children and were more attentive. Although the students had many different substitute teachers during the day, they