Final Copy On Abortion Essay

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Final copy
In the world today, abortion takes place every second of every day. However, there are two different points of views. Those that agree and of course that do disagree. Since about 1973 around 53 million women have aborted. Every year there are approximately 1.2 million abortions just in the U.S., well around there have been 20-30 million legal abortions, but there have also been 10-20 million illegal abortions.
A lot of people say that life begins when you start developing inside of your mother . Many people will agree that during every abortion an innocent human is being is killed. (According to pro-choice network) “ human life begins as a baby begins to breathe on its own without help from it’s mother”. (Pro-choice network). Today there are laws have been established in some states that there is a specific time for women to abort their her child. Women can only have an abortion …show more content…

Especially if the child were being born because of rape or incest, then for sure you would have to respect the decision. Also you have to consider the fact the a woman has to be pregnant for nine months where she is subjected to both emotional and physical pain, which can many effects on a woman’s life. This is the most common reason of why women may choose abortion.
When talking about abortion we often leave the males out of question. When having a baby it takes more than just one person. When receiving an abortion it also may take two people. Many people see abortion as a “woman’s issue,” however, it may affect men in the same physical sense, it can have emotional consequences for them as well. This again relates to the rights of the woman and if she should be able to have the final say over her own body. When fighting to pass abortion restrictions, a commonly used argument is that it goes against religion and the fact of if it is the right or wrong thing to doing God’s