
Persuasive Essay On Abortion Research Paper

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In the United States, half the pregnancies among women are unintended, and approximately four in ten of those pregnancies are aborted. In the 1960’s, America witnessed a mounting interest in induced abortions as a method of birth control (INTIMACY BOOK). When uncovering the issues of abortions they are best categorized into five points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion, and the beginning of life. There is a large spectrum of views either supporting more or less legal restrictions on abortions, both empirical and moral claims has emerged in America. Generally when defining this issue liberals define it as pro-choice and conservatives as pro-life. Before investigating deeper into the history or current debates over an issue abortion, it is important to look at the facts of its existence in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention …show more content…

To prevent pregnancy, various contraceptive methods are followed, but among these methods abortions are commonly considered a contraceptive method. Some contraceptive method includes the use of a barrier that keeps sperm and egg separated, known as a condom. Chemical methods include the use of a contraceptive pills that causes the shell around the egg to harden so that the sperm cannot penetrate, or preventing fertilized eggs from implanting itself into the uterus, preventing the release of an egg. Abstinence is another form of contraception and can be used along the side a cycle where couples will wait the woman is in the short period of being infertile to preform intercourse. Depending on the definition of when life begins, a chemical method of contraception. Such as the pill, may or may not be consider methods of abortion. Also, out of all the methods named, the abstinence and cycle methods are only contraceptive methods allowed in some religion, for example the Catholic

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