Final Essay

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The IT (Information Technology) field is a vast variety of well paying jobs that continues to grow as technology advances, the jobs can range from repairing technology, to coding, and even implanting un-hackable software into multiple servers. With that said, the job market for this profession can be hourly, salary, or even contract to hire, most will require the worker to relocate at some point in their career whether it be city or state, sometimes even country wide trips. Some of the benefits of working under this profession allows a person to work from home in some cases, and with contract to hire the recruiter or manager will proceed to confirm a job with the time and date with employee beforehand. On the other hand, some disagree that …show more content…

Computer science majors increased by 95% from 2011 to 2015, according to fortune” (Wilson). With the fields expanding and being introduced to modern technology or even maintaining the older models, this allows for the massive increase of employment opportunities within the united states, within most of the salaried jobs there is security because one company will last for years due to the recurring bugs, or glitches that will continue to happen in the systems over …show more content…

Someone who is technologically literate will understand the values of working in the field of computer science and will take advantage of their job by accomplishing tasks quickly and efficiently. Allowing someone weigh the benefits over the risks will have true sight on what this field can offer for future life. With the advancement of technology in today’s economy and the rampant growth of employment opportunities show secure the field is becoming and allowing people to base their lives around a long-lasting career. Understanding that this career only needs certifications to pursue, degrees only increase pay and allow for many advancement opportunities within the career and in this era most if not all colleges provide programs and courses for the computer science field allowing a person to work and live anywhere within the country because of the flexibility of the job and how many different options that are given and being able to work from home. While interning and having prior experience is a must for this pathway shows how impactful the career can be and showing the employer that the person can work under the given circumstances and allowing the person to complete given