Final Essay

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Where would psychology be without the research and findings of prior psychologists and physiologists? We learned in the previous assignments in this class that modern day psychology built upon prior knowledge, and formed the foundation for psychology as we know it. That being said, what now? What will the future hold for psychology? We will discuss the future of psychology and the major schools of thought throughout this essay.
William Wundt was E.D. Titchener’s inspiration for structuralism. Although when structuralism was introduced to American population, he dramatically changed it. (Schultz, 2016). However, the two had very different opinions. Wundt’s view was that the mind can “organize mental elements voluntarily” (Schultz, 2016, pg. 7). Titchener’s view focused on the elements itself, and how to analyze consciousness into separate parts. Titchener had many critics who did not agree that the mind did not experience sensations as different components, but often rather as a whole. Because of the differing opinions of others, the boundaries of his thought were redifined. One particular individual that challenged Titchener’s views was Wolfgang Kölher. …show more content…

Gestalt focused on the view that there is “more than meets the eye” (Schultz, 2016, pg. 265). Contributors to Gestalt psychology were Max Wertheimer and Kurt Koffka. Kurt and Max worked together with the assistance of Kurt Goldstein and Hans Gruhle, who founded the journal Psychological Research. Psychological Reasearch became the “official publication of the Gestalt Psychology School of Thought” (Schultz, 2016, pg. 268). Gestalt psychology focused on the process of the thinking and other conscious experiences. While Gestalt psychology worked to defy structuralism, other fields of thought began to emerge such as functionalism, behaviorism, and