Final Portfolio: Organizing Your Study

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Being an elementary school student was fun for me because I challenged myself to do better than everyone else in my class. Making it to middle school things were the same but school was not as fun as elementary. And high school was the worst as far as academics goes so college was not an option. I sometimes ask myself “Who am I” because the older I got the more I didn’t want to do pertaining to the learning of school material. This Final Portfolio tell how attaining balance as an adult student affects my life.

Our perception of our own time management isn’t always accurate. We tend to do so much in a 24 hour day that some thing’s goes undone. With time being on our side so to speak we have to learn to make Time Management a huge …show more content…

In my childhood Time Management was something that I didn’t think about let alone focused on as much as I do as an adult. Now as an adult Time Management is everything. My personal thoughts of how to attain balance in my life now that I am a college student is going to be managed better from reading the article in “Organizing Your Study”{The Mature Student’s Study Guide} By: Catherine Dawson. This article gives step by step procedures that one could take to accomplish a successful adult student life. What I am saying is the thing I got from the article was to set a point and time for things that have to be done in a days’ time. That means I would have to put myself on a daily plan that works for my family and myself. For example I became a stay at home mom as well as a caregiver for my father who was ill last year. My daily plan is I start the morning out getting my family together to start the day. After that is taking care of I take a few hours of the day job hunting now that I am able to go back to work. Around the lunch hour I settle down and prepare for the family coming home in this time I also spend time on my school work. This daily plan worked out well because a lot of my time doing thing that is not relevant is cut out to make way …show more content…

Time Management is all about taking control of your own time. We need to be able to make things happen in a way that benefits our studies. Meaning we decide when we spend time with family, work, social recreational activities, and our studies. As an adult student you will have considerable demands on your time, but for study to be successful you need to try to reduce these demands and create an environment productive to learning. To do this you need to develop and enhance your skills of time management and personal organization. With practice your studies become more efficient. To do this will mean to enhance your reading skills so that your reading becomes more effective, efficient, and successful. With all that has gone on in my life in the past year makes it hard for me to get everything in order with going to school working having a social lift and being a good wife but I am working hard to bring it all together to accomplish never thing needed to