First Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders Case Study

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Hans Asperger In 1944, Hans Asperger, Viennese pediatrician observed four children patients as having a personality disorder struggling with similar social difficulties (Autism Speaks, 2017). Individuals with AS were observed as speaking at the same time as children without this condition. Hans also observed these children exhibiting other characteristics, such as speaking about one subject for a lengthy amount of time, “impaired two-way social interaction, totally ignoring demands of the environment, repetitive and stereotyped play, isolated areas of interests, talking back or sassing teachers, verbally abusing other children, hitting other children, and lashing out and knocking objects over” (Tsai, 2013, para. 1). Actually, these children seemed to gain pleasure from their negative behaviors showing no empathy towards the other person. “Asperger believed that the condition was never recognized in infancy and early childhood and that those with the syndrome had excellent, logical abstract thinking and were capable of originality and creativity in chosen fields” (Tsai, 2013, para. 1). DSM …show more content…

The DSM was revised four times, due to inconsistencies and unclear criteria; by a task force each version. Currently, the DSM is utilized to classify, diagnosis, and provide treatment for mental health disorders and to receive payment from third party payers for clients. The DSM is used by clinicians, researchers, agencies, health insurance companies, legal systems, and other