Five Dimensions Of Diversity

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Diversity means diverse perspective that can bring to the workplace of different cultural background, age, gender, etc. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.
3.2 Hofstede
According to Hofstede (1991), “cultures can be compared and classified on the basis of five different dimensions that affect behavior such as Individualism – collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity – femininity, and short term – long term orientation. It focuses on work related values.”
3.2.1 Individualism and Collectivism
According to Hofstede (1991), a degree to individual which are assimilated into groups means individualism. …show more content…


3.5.1 Low Context societies
“Cultural context is the pattern of physical cues, environmental stimuli and implicit understanding that conveys meaning between two members of the same culture” (Bovee and Thill, 2008, p. 65) According to Hall (1976) Low context cultures appreciate facts, logic and are very direct. They use precise words and mean them to be taken literally. In the same way, they also take words communicated to them directly.
In low context culture, verbal communication is used widely while there is less of non-verbal communication. Americans has the characteristics of a low context culture, as they are very direct, focused and straightforward on tasks and have expectations of work presented to them. They also often take words too literally and insist on an explanation for everything being said. As it is assumed that people already know what to do, expectations of cultural behavior is unexpressed. Contracts are more important than relationships.

3.5.2 High context …show more content…

While on the other hand, Japan’s high context culture makes them indirect and relies on nonverbal communication in transmitting a message. However, the Americans may not understand what the Japanese are trying to transmit using nonverbal communication. The Japanese might also be intimidated in conveying an opinion to the Americans. While the Americans may feel that the Japanese are reluctant to share information. Americans set deadlines while working and also rewards for their staff however, the Japanese do not like competition among each other. The Japanese may view the Americans as trying to start a competition among