Diversity In Health And Social Care Essay

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Diversity in relation to people basically means we are all different. This could include our age, gender, where we live, our religious beliefs to how we dress. All these factors make us all individual and unique. Equality means we are all entitled to be treated fairly. We should all be given the same rights. We are all different but it is important to treat everyone equally and give everyone the same opportunities. We should ensure that no one feels less important than anyone else because of their age for example. Inclusion means we should include everyone regardless of their disability, gender and age etc. We should encourage everyone to be included both socially and in everyday life. By including our clients in all aspects of their care …show more content…

It is unlawful to treat people unfairly because of their race or gender. Discrimination can have a massive impact on how someone views themselves. It can have an impact on both their mental health and physical health. Someone who is discriminated against may isolate themselves, this could be from family, socially or at work. An individual may suffer from anxiety and avoid situations where they feel they may be discriminated against. They may have feelings of anger or feel worthless and could even blame themselves for being “different”. Discrimation doesn't just affect the individual but also their families or those that support them. Watching the impact discimination has on someone can be devastating. They may feel that they are not doing enough to support the individual. They may feel anger that their family member is being treated unfairly. They may also suffer from the emotional distress that comes from worrying about their loved one. By using inclusive practices, we can ensure the individuals we support feel that we treat them fairly. We can promote their rights and the choices they make and we do not discriminate against them. We can respect their right to privacy and …show more content…

We can assist individuals in a way that celebrates their differences as apposed to discriminating against their differences. For example, someone with mobility issues, rather than excluding them because it may be difficult due to wheelchair access, work towards finding a way to get them the access they need. Someone who is underweight and struggles with eating, we can work together with dieticians etc to find ways to boost calorie intake and to bring back the “pleasure” of eating rather than it being a