Fizzell Corporation Case Study

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Fizzell’s corporation want to set a deal with the Peyton district school for advertising the compnapy product such as soft drinks and use those school going children as their prime customers. There are lots of ethical thing have to consider .
Define the Problem
 It is a very complicated situation when you have to find a answer of ethical question that wheather there is commercial sales are use for making revenue from a school.Commercial sales are not justifiable way for school to gain revenue. But the Fizzell Corporation did the right thing in one way by helping the school by funding because that school needed money to continue their educational system.
 School students are mostly so much younger as child. There are so many products in our market those which of those all are not so much good for the children as Fizzell Corporation,s soft drink. Soft drinks like these are not good for childrens health.
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Fizzell held a senior management meeting to discuss advertising and selling its products in the Peyton school district with its 30,000 students. It was for their advertising activities.
 Fizzell’s senior management team has a proposal that would give the school district much needed funds in exchange for exclusive rights to sell their beverages and snacks in school campus. This deal also includes the opportunity to advertise products on the district school buses and athletic scoreboards. Yolanda as a worker of that companty has interest in education and knows how important more funds are to the school district. she heard from a parent group who argued persuasively that schools compromise their educational mission when they encourage students to be consumers. This is so much complecated