Football Fitness Program

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My program has four different sessions’ flexibility/ stretching, core strength/ maintenance, fitness and upper body strength. I have chosen to train this way because these are the four main areas which I wanted to work on to make me become a better athlete which will assist me in Football as I will be strong fit and fast. The types of exercises I completed for flexibility were the lat dorso stretch, calf stretch, fwd lunging dorso stretch, torso rotation stretch, gluteal stretch, anterior shoulder chest stretch, hamstring stretch, foam roller back extension stretch and the groin stretch these were completed at a relatively slow speed as they are stretches you don’t want to injure yourself. For Cardio I completed exercises such as the bike, rowing, shuttle runs, skipping, and box jumps which were completed at a very fast pace I was working on my fitness for football. …show more content…

For upper body I completed exercises such as push ups, sit ups, chin ups, wide push up and boxing these were completed at a fast pace as I was working on becoming stronger in upper body and also working on my abs. Throughout out my program I tried to make sure that I did not overtrain as I would of got the reverse results of what I wanted to get out of the program. Also made sure I did a variety of exercises by doing super set training as you can do two different workouts for the same muscle group or even for different muscle