
Foreign Intelligence Act Pros And Cons

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The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows intelligence department to decide which court they will go to seek orders to search. This may translate to mean some judges are compromised, and they will be used to issue illegal search warrants even for domestic surveillance. The courts are never made public which raises suspicion whether the security officers searching do even go for a search warrant. This might just be a plan to make sure the security officers do not attract a lot of o attention by saying that they will not need a search warrant. Even if they access a person's private information without a search warrant, no court can be used to compel them to provide evidence on whether the search was conducted as per a specific procedure. …show more content…

The executives can use the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act to investigate and intimidate those who are against some of their policies. Restricting checks and balances act to the disadvantage of the citizens because the executive can do anything despite the fact that the executives are usually tempted to use the intelligence service to gain information about civil rights activists, civil right groups and they may violate constitutional processes and rights to satisfy their selfish interest. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act eliminates the laws that would help the public ask questions as to why the government is doing certain things that are against their wish or when they are violating certain rights. The public can have the power to seek clarification from the government when they can cite a specific law that the government has violated. But without the laws, when the public has any issue they want to be addressed they can only go for civil actions to compel the government to listen to them. FISA has eliminated even the most sought-after institution which gives justice to the public when the government has gone against their will or violates their rights which is the judiciary. Although there is Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the way the process is conducted leaves it under full control of the Department of Homeland Security. Government …show more content…

But when the executive decides to have all the controls and make interaction with the judiciary secret, citizens are left exposed to mistreatment by the executives because nobody will have the power to hold the executive responsible for their actions. An individual or a group of a few citizens cannot force the government to be accountable for their actions without the help of the judiciary. When people are affected individually, it becomes hard for them to unite and form a force that will attract national attention. Even if they report to the media houses, the media will only highlight the challenge, and with time it will be forgotten. Therefore, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has removed the powers of anybody that may be interested in holding them accountable for specific actions because now they have the power to gather intelligence secretly without making a person know they are under

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