Intervention In Foreign Affairs

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Foreign Intervention in South American Affairs
In the past, the United States of America has inserted itself into foreign affairs, only for negative consequences to occur. In 1823, U.S. president James Monroe introduced the Monroe Doctrine, a statement that aimed to prevent European intervention in New World affairs. (Monroe). However, throughout the centuries afterwards, the Monroe Doctrine has been abused by the United States as an excuse to insert itself into South and Latin American affairs, even though the Doctrine itself does not mention this. Because of this, the United States has a responsibility to not intervene in South/North American countries such as Venezuela in order to restore democracy in a natural and non-intrusive way to its …show more content…

In order to accomplish this, the United States should work with other countries in the United Nations to place pressure on the current Venezuelan regime and continue to expose the government’s crimes while not directly inserting itself into the controversy. “it is imperative that the United States continue to highlight publicly the illegitimacy of the Maduro regime as a criminal elite that has, through administrative machinations, stolen control of the resource-rich state from its people, and which is increasingly relying on the force of arms to continue looting the state with an eye to making good a “getaway” with the money.” (Ellis 30). Additionally, the United States along with its allies should continue to place economic sanctions onto Venezuela in order to pressure the current regime so the peace may be restored. “The United States must lead the international community in isolating the Chavista leadership through individually targeted economic sanctions” (Ellis 30). Finally, the current refugee crisis caused by the Venezuelan crisis must be addressed by the United States in order to help those affected and create a positive U.S. image. The U.S. can do this by assisting Venezuela’s neighbors such as Columbia. (Ellis 30). All of these methods may be less effective in creating change in the short term, however, in the long term, these actions will greatly benefit the …show more content…

They argue that the only way to topple dictators and restore democratic leaders in order to create a healthier country is by direct force. Endorsers of this strategy include former presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt, who’s “Roosevelt Corollary” was “A justification for direct US involvement in Latin American affairs.” (Worthington). The most notable example is Roosevelt’s liberation for Cuba from Spanish rule, which restricted the freedoms of Cubans until Fidel Castro rose to power in 1959. (“Monroe