Foreign Policy Dbq

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Defense, known as resisting attack, combined with foreign, a country other than its own country, equals out to be the defense for your own country for its good against opposing foreign countries. During the time period of 1789 through 1825, the United States extended foreign policy as a method of defense and protection from perceived or actual threats of the almighty Europe. During the late 1700’s while Washington was President, he ordered for a foreign policy of Neutrality; neutrality meaning maintaining unharmful relations with both France and Britain. As the idea of protection and defense of America was continued to be kept in mind by our federal government, by the early 1800’s the Monroe Doctrine was eventually formed to avoid any interferences by Europe and their contagious conflicts, preventing our land to ever …show more content…

This Proclamation of Neutrality declared the United States as neutral and unattached to any foreign affairs composing between France and Britain. Therefore, America did not adhere to conflicts occurring outside of their walls, because Washington believed no weak nation should be involved in something that they had no business with. As Washington’s terms as President came to a saddened end he gave a Farewell Address, addressing the hopes and expectations he had for this prospering nation to be. Washington set precedents in the Address, to have little political connection with foreign governments, to separate from Europe, for they are always experiencing controversy, and ultimately to keep neutral towards all foreign affairs for America is not ready for the intensity of foreign conflicts. This policy of Neutrality was very influential, it initiated many more policies to come after. Washington’s Policy of Neutrality and following precedents were created as a foreign policy related to defending and protecting the nation from the perceived or actual threats of