Four Characteristics/Traits/Accomplishments Of The Mayan Empire

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Different images appeared as I searched images of the movie Apocolypto. Being unfimilur with this movie, I wanted to see what the movie was about without giving the details of the movie away. Looking at the different images I would presume that there would be violence due to the nature of attire and physiology of the characters being portrayed. I expected just to follow the life of the Mayan’s as the new settlers arrived in Mesoamerica. 2) What are four characteristics/traits/accomplishments of the Maya Empire The Mayan empire was a a dynasty for years and in this movie was portrayed at the end of its time. Labor for the Mayan consisted of slaves doing work. In the movie many were working with stone to help build the empire and some slaves were injured. The …show more content…

He was at the top of the sacrifice stone. For commerce, women were sold as slaves and there seemed to be an exponential amount of “sales” going on as the men walked. Many animals and little trinkets were being sold as they walked by. 3) Explain what hints were given in regards to how the Mayan Empire may have collapsed. In regards to how one may interpret how the Mayan empire may have collapsed, I came up with three major factors and one or two factors that were mentioned but have interpretation. The first was at the beginning of the movie. A group of Native American’s were in the forest hunting when approached by another group who were passing because their village got taken over. The man passing through said, “It’s time for a new beginning.” I took that saying as a reflection of the Mayan culture because it was stated at the end of the movie again by Jaguar Paw. The second hint given was after the