Four Stages Of Cognitivism

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The definition of cognitivism is the belief that much of human behavior can be understood in terms of how people think (Sternberg, 2012) .Cognitivism is the study in psychology that focuses on mental processes, including how people perceive, think, remember, learn, solve problems, and direct their attention to one stimulus rather than another. Psychologists working from a cognitivist perspective, then, seek to understand cognition. Rooted in Gestalt psychology and the work of Jean Piaget, cognitivism has been prominent in psychology since the 1960s ,(, 2003). Jean Piaget theorized that there are four stages of Cognitive Development. The first stage is a sensorimotor stage. This stage …show more content…

He believed that the human mind is embedded with specific ways of doing things. For example, a baby knows how to suck his thumb without being taught, we breathe unconsciously, and our hearts beat without being ordered to. There are three major concepts when dealing with changing ingrained schemes. Assimilation occurs when a person perceives a new object in terms of existing knowledge. Accommodation occurs when you modify existing cognitive structures based on new information. Equilibration includes both assimilation and accommodation and is considered the master developmental process. For example, a child who has only been around sports cars will believe that a car is small, has two doors, and is fast. When he sees a minivan, he must change his belief about what a car is. Once he accepts that a minivan is a type of car and a sports car is another type of car, equilibration is achieved. (Blessing, Cherry, Classroom, Computers, Cognitivism, Feldman, Free, …show more content…

He believed in "the development of introspection as a means for studying the mind." (Cognitivism) Though he was not specifically involved in the field of Educational Psychology, he began the study of the mind. Therefore, he is an important name in the history of psychology, educational or otherwise. This study examines the impact of cognitive approach on development of social responsibility in pre-school children. Cognitive education is defined as the application of the findings of cognitive science, including cognitive psychology to education (Haywood, 2004). Social responsibility is defined as the responsibility of children towards themselves, other children, older people and the environment (Gresham & Elliott, 1990) The cognitive impact of media divided two source potential, the first one is form of a medium and the other is its content. Under form, the discussion will be limited to the influence of form on cognitive process. Under content, two areas have particular implications in a pluralistic society will be covered. Onw area is the acquisition of knowledge and the other is the view of social reality. In addition, its consider how cognitive impact is moderated by social interactin and by cognitive