Frankenstein Research Paper

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“Frankenstein” a Gothic Romantic book published in London 1818. It portrays many characteristics of the Romantic period, which carried the most influence in the early 1800s. This book also shows the common means of transportation of society in the year it published, and various activities people would indulge in their leisure time during 1818. “Frankenstein” portrays numerous characteristics of the Romantic period, a major literary movement that virtually swept through every country of Europe, The United States, and Latin America, (The Romantic Era). The pinnacle of Romanticism lasted from about 1750 to 1870 (The Romantic Era), during which “Frankenstein” had published in London 1818, therefor causing the author to receive heavy influence …show more content…

Traditional leisure time spent during 1818 included dancing, celebrations, reading, painting as well as playing music. “I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight,” (Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 20), shows the joy of the character spending time reading during his leisure time. Another example showing activities during leisure time: “The young girl was occupied in arranging the cottage; but presently she took something out of a drawer, which employed her hands, and she sat down beside the old man, who, taking up an instrument, began to play, and to produce sounds sweeter than the voice of the thrush or the nightingale,” (Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 75). This example shows that characters in the book relate to the society in the year 1818, as many people of the society this time and the characters, both often seem to play an instrument during their leisure time, or to relax after stressful work. Another example contains “The old man, whom I soon perceived to be blind, employed his leisure hours on his instrument or in contemplation,” (Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 77). Children also indulged in leisure time, in 1818, children usually played games with other children. Since houses had a greater distance apart during this time, children usually play with neighbours or family, (What Did People Do for Fun in the 1800s?). “He tried to make us act plays and to enter into masquerades, in which the characters were drawn from the heroes of Roncesvalles, of the Round table of King Arthur,”(Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 19). This segment shows that children in the book would play around by acting plays and to enter into masquerades of fairy

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