Frankenstein Research Paper

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Frankenstein Hampton Dixon Mrs. Meter 4/11/2024 The Perfect Creator As Anthony T. Hincks once said, “Man rushes in to embrace technology. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t think about the consequences of playing god.”( In the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a scientist named Victor Frankenstein creates a monster. This Monster is a cold-blooded killer. By constructing this monster, he tries to play god, but should Victor Frankenstein take responsibility for his creation? Playing God has its inevitable consequences. Today I am going to compare the one true and living God and his creation of Adam and Eve to Victor's creation of the Monster. These creations can be compared in three distinct ways: companionship, natural means, …show more content…

When Adam and Eve were created, Adam was created from dust, and Eve was created from a rib taken from Adam. God used natural things to create the human race. Victor did not use any natural items. Victor strung together dead bodies and broken bones to create this monster. The human race was created in the image of God. We were made to appeal to our creator and to please him. When Victor created the monster, it was hideous. It was so hideous that Victor ran away and had nightmares about the monster. The Monster wasn’t created to be appealing or to make his master …show more content…

After the fall, no created being ever has been or will be perfect. Even though he wasn’t perfect, he was a scientist that prepared him to learn about the art of creation. Unlike God, Victor is inside of time. He was created by God to glorify God. Unfortunately, Victor wanted to be his own god. He was created, and he wasn’t a god. He was an imperfect creator who created an imperfect creation. When Victor made the Monster, he created a new race. We see this in the following quote. “A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.” (Shelley 57) Victor wanted a new race to treat him like a god. God and Victor are completely different. God is the creator of all things. He is perfect, outside of time, wasn’t created, and is loving and kind. Victor was the opposite. Victor was imperfect, inside time, and was created. That is why God is a better and more qualified creator. Adam, Eve, and the Monster were different in the reasons behind why they were created. Adam and Eve were created to glorify God, and the Monster was created to start a new race. Two creations, one created to glorify their master and the other created to destroy and defy its