Frankenstein God Vs God Research Paper

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Frankenstein Hampton Dixon Mrs. Meter 4/11/2024 The Perfect Creator As Anthony T. Hincks once said, “[When A] Man rushes in to embrace technology. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t think about the consequences of playing god.”( In The Book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a scientist named Victor Frankenstein creates a monster. This Monster is a cold-blooded killer. Victor tries to play god, so should he take responsibility for his actions? Playing God has consequences so today I am going to compare the one true living God and his creation of Adam and Eve to Victors creation of the Monster. We will compare three things: Companionship, Natural Means, and the Quality of the Creator. The first thing we will compare is the differences in companions. Genesis 2:18 says "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." God's intention in creating humans was for them to have a companion. We were not created to be alone, we were created to have a partner. At the beginning of time, God created Adam. he also created the animals male and female. While Adam was in the garden naming the animals, he realized that even the animals had partners but not him. When Adam was sleeping, God took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve. At last, the most intelligent and complex entity God created was not …show more content…

He would create the world in six days and rest on the seventh. On the sixth day God created man. We see the creation of man in Genesis 1:26-27 where it is said “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image.“ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” God created man, male from dust and female from a rib given by the man. God used natural resources to create the human race. Natural resources aren’t meant to glorify