
Franklin D Roosevelt Research Paper Outline

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States. He was born on January 30, 1882 in New York. He went to reputed schools like Groton and Harvard. He was married to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt at the age of 23 on March 17 ,1905, who was also his distant cousin. Together they had a daughter and five sons. He admired his fifth cousin and elected president Theodore Roosevelt. He was elected as president of United States on March 4, 1933. He remains the only president to be elected four times in the United State history (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
The political, economic, societal and wartime leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the United State spirit to fight the Great Depression and the World War II, which earned him the title of one of the most successful president of the History.
The Great Depression of 1930s is one of the largest crises in the U.S. history. McElvaine writes the Nation’s banking system crashed by the eve of Franklin Roosevelt’s inauguration. Depositors around the nation, removed their money from accounts as more banks collapsed. This resulted in the pull under of huge number of financial institutions. A major population was hit with the unemployment (McElvaine 187). On the other side, this was also an …show more content…

His presidency brought the feeling of excitement and change. United States was in great depression, and they needed “action now” movement which was initiated by the president. McElvaine writes “suddenly Washington was a place to be” (McElvaine 191). Thousands to people wanted to be a part of the revival. The attitude toward government which was largely negative suddenly flipped. And a huge credit for this achievement belonged to Roosevelt and his societal portraits. He believed both the government and the public should be responsible for lifting the country out the depression. Works and acts during the president’s first months lifted the spirits of

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