Franklin Roosevelt Research Paper Outline

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Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt was elected as the 32nd president in 1932. Taking office right in the middle of the Great Depression and heading toward World War II, he had his work cut out for him as the leader of our country. “He wanted to help the American people regain faith. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” (“Franklin”). He spent the years of his presidency establishing reforms and programs to benefit the United States. Franklin Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York, on January 30, 1882. He was the only child. When he got older, he attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. In 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt. …show more content…

entrance into World War I” (“Franklin”). In 1921, Franklin got sick with polio and was unable to walk. He took time away from politics and focused on healing. While he was recovering, his wife, Eleanor, made appearances keeping his name alive in politics. After a long recovery, Franklin became Governor of New York in 1928. “He set up the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA), which aimed at finding jobs for the unemployed, and by 1932 TERA was helping nearly one out of every 10 families in New York” (“Franklin”). He was elected president in 1932. By that time, there were millions of people unemployed and almost every bank had been closed. He started Fireside chats, where he hosted radio talk so that America would have hope during the Great Depression.” In his first “fireside chat”the president urged Americans to put their savings back in the banks, and by the end of the month almost three quarters of them had reopened” ( The Hundred Days established several federal aid programs like the National Recovery Administration to stimulate business recovery through fair-practice