Free Argumentative Essays: First-Degree Murder

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1. First degree murder- In most states, first-degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated. Which means it was planned to commit to killing of the victim(s) without disregard for human life.
First degree murder is the number one most serious crime in the United States. Committing such act can give you life in prison without the possibility of parole depending how cruel the crime was to the victim(s). For example, Pedro and Larry got into a dispute. They started arguing about how Larry owes Pedro money. He owes him exactly 300 dollars, but Larry says that he isn’t going to pay and cusses. Pedro tells him things back and threatens him that he’s going to kill him. So, later that night Pedro waits patiently …show more content…

They stop by at friend’s house to invite him to get drunk together with them. The men are named Ivan, Miguel, and Ricky. They start getting drunk, so Ivan decided to pull out his gun and point at them just for a joke. Ricky tells Ivan to put away the gun because they hate it when he does that, that isn’t the first time he does that. So Miguel also decided to take out his gun to point it at Ivan as a joke as well. But mistakenly shoots and kills Ricky. He was charged with a stolen concealed weapon and involuntary manslaughter.
4. Voluntary manslaughter- the crime of killing another person unlawfully in circumstances that do not amount to murder. For example, without premeditation or as a result of circumstances such as diminished responsibility.
Voluntary manslaughter is considered third degree murder. The person considered to do great bodily harm but not murder. The person had no intentions of killing. For example, john comes home from work early, but he decides to surprise his wife Kylie and not tell her that he got out of work early. When he comes home everything seemed normal except he heard noises upstairs. As he gets closer he realized his wife is with another man in bed. In the heat of passion he decides to pull out a gun he always carries wrapped around his legs and shoots both of them at the