Freedom Riders: Protest Against Segregation In The United States

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In the 1960s, the Freedom Riders were a significant group of civil rights activists created non-violent protests against segregation in the southern United States. Although there was racial segregation in the U.S., Freedom Riders took a stand in history by organizing and participating in protests during the Civil Rights Movement. Their courage in taking a stand formed the backbone of the civil rights movement, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed racial discrimination in the public, and broke the power of the all-white democratic party in the southern states. Historical Context During Civil War, Abraham Lincoln initiated the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, vowing that all slaves should be free. Jim Crow Laws was created by an all-white …show more content…

Segregation was inspired by 1947 Journey of Reconciliation. They confronted equality issues with non-direct actions, to test supreme court’s ruling of intertrans-busses to be unconstitutional, and abolish Jim Crow laws. It began at Deep South on May 04, 1961, with thirteen riders. The bus trailed across Virginia and North Carolina; the advocation between civil rights had begun. Political Law enforcements and extremist groups were involved in protests. In Jackson, Riders attempted to use “whites only” locations then were arrested for Breach of Peace and Refusal to Obey and Officer. Kennedy called the Riders “unpatriotic,” because they embarrassed the nation as images reflected the damages. Local officials decided no pictures of harmed Freedom Riders would occupy front pages on media. Social The Freedom Riders illustrated an evolution in the strategies used during the Civil Rights Movement. They encouraged community of equality to outlaw segregation. In 1961, they organized the freedom rides, which was a series of bus trips through the American South to protest segregation in interstate bus terminals. They went against the belief of white supremacy to obtain equality for all.