Friends In Where The Crawdads Sing By Delia Owens

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Friends are known for playing a pivotal role in a person’s success and development, as well as their overall well-being. In the breathtaking novel Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, Tate Walker acts as Kya’s confidant, helping her learn to read, write, and do math. However, later in the novel, Tate in part causes Kya to go in the other direction, leading her to a darker path after helping her—showing how Tate is more than just a basic character. He later makes amends for his hurtful choices, yet he is never fully forgiven. Shortly after Kya’s family left her, Tate played an important role in helping Kya get back on her feet multiple times, no matter the time in her life. When she was lost and barely scraping by selling items to Jumpin’ …show more content…

However, when Tate goes to college, he leaves Kya waiting on the Fourth of July. Kya’s misery is shown through Owen’s use of descriptive language when she says, "No boat; no Tate. At dusk, she stood straight and still and silent as a stork…" (129) Tate abandoning Kya is a vital point in the novel because it essentially counteracts all the good he has done before that moment since the betrayal that Kya feels causes her to go back on the good emotions and feelings. Kya eventually tries to ease her loneliness with Chase, who, despite his good looks and charming manner, treats her horribly. This switch depicts a plot change in the novel, showing how Kya herself has changed, from once being disgusted by Chase Andrews and the boys he was hanging around with to being involved with them. This scene is the initial push over the edge for Kya, changing her from a positive person to one that hates the people around her. Owens uses Tate as a way to kickstart the interactions and eventual murder of Chase Andrews, and in the end of the novel, she uses Tate once again to reveal that Kya herself was the killer. This reveal is important because it shows how, while Tate meant to help Kya, he did more than just help her. He pushed her over the edge, eventually leading her to murder