Frontal Lobe In College Writing

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The four lobes of the brain are essential in everyday life in everything humans do. It controls everything from eating and seeing to just living and breathing. The brain plays a major key in college writing and each part of the brain allows writers to do a different action; so that they can write these beautiful articles that are so insightful. First off the frontal lobe controls emotion and creativity. Both are keys in writing certain styles writers need to let their emotion out so the reader of the essay can get what their stance on the situation is. It helps the reader connect with the author and gets a deeper understand of their meaning. Authors need to be creative too because when college students are writing essays there is a bunch of them writing about the same thing, so their paper needs to stand out. They need to come up with creative ways to get their points across and make it memorable compared to all the other papers. …show more content…

Writers need long term memory to recall events in their past that they can relate back to the topic they are writing about. Long term memory is also good just to remember how to write and the simple grammar structure of the English language. In an article by Carl Zimmer they say; “With practice, those actions become more automatic” (Zimmer). The more authors write their brain will start to remember the process. Written recognition memory also helps with just recognizing words and being able to read what they have wrote to make sure it all makes sense and goes together. It helps to write a college level paper by knowing what words to use and what words to leave