Being a freshman student in college, I have had many opportunities to become a decent writer, however I would love to learn new things this semester in a college level class. In high school, I wrote many papers in my freshman year going up to my senior year. I however have always written in A.P.A., so writing in M.L.A. is a new change for me. I have been introduced to Purdue O.W.L. already and that has become quite helpful, especially when changing the writing styles from high school to college. I have found this website to help me in starting my paper out and the layout I will need to achieve to finish my work.
When I was a student in high school, I had to write many types different types of papers. Some include cause and effect, comparison and contrast, definitions, narrative and descriptive, division and classification essays. Being introduced to all these different types of writing papers, this
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Occasionally I have a problem with not making the paper sound professional when it needs to be sent to a professor or job. I would love to be introduced to larger words to include in my writing. I also would like to learn how to write a good thesis for the papers I am writing. I would also like to develop a good strategy for starting out a rough draft. Having a good starting point would help me out very much as a writer. I can get off topic and not focus on the main point so having a list in front of me on the steps for what my paper needs to include would help me out as a beginner in the writing world. So far, starting out with writing about our strengths and weaknesses as a writer, composing a rough draft has always been helpful. Writing down my thoughts on the topic in the beginning without it graded is very beneficial. Having someone else proofread and fix small errors has helped me very much and I then can go back to fix what was needed to be