Functionalism Vs Nationalism

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They are interpretive and socially mediated. Collingwood, Carr and Hobsbawm also offer their view on this process agreeing that it is selective and interpretive. P.Chatterjee also asks-Whose History? Cult of the fact-Ranke,history of ideas-marc bloch and annals school,social action-symbolic interactionists, speech acts-linguistic deconstructionists.The Nation is a big keyword in this context. Thus, the ideological spectacles of the historical investigator shape the presentation of ‘facts’. Weber’s idea of the progressive mechanization and demystification of society is in fact directly opposed to Marx’s view in which there is a progressive obfuscation and mystification of social relations which makes the continuance of the system possible in …show more content…

Gellner prvides a functionalist view of then nationalism. This is completely contrary to Mrx, for whom the modern era and indutrialization is a step towards the abolition of nationalism. Gellenr’s ideas are nor based on an economic interpretation a la Marx. But rather Gellner is describing the superstructure of national polity and the family system of social relationships, that form as a result of capitalism. Capitalism and it’s superstructure are symbiotica and go together. Nationalism as a narrow ethnic unit is not the predominant form(debatably). In several areas this form has already been superseded or evolved out of. Many nations like the usa, India. China, and even Australia are multi0ethnic entities. Everywhere except Europe, we see that the form of the nation is being evolved out. We are outgrowing this historical artefact of tribal nationalism almost everywhere, as Marx predicted would happen, multinational capitalism is growing and it’s contradictions are growing along with it. In Europe we see the attempt to apply to braks to this development by those like the rightists and neo-fascist who want to cling on to reaction and obscure, outmoded forms and ideas. They seem to be like latter day Chateaubriands and hopelfully the monarchs will not face the same fate as Louis Philippe. Gellner encorporates geographical ideas in his analysis, his consept of the industrial catchment area. This incorporates and important spatial element to historical understanding.