Gangs In The United States Essay

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Over the years, the United States has had a rapid growth of gang involvement and its violent crimes. There are many different types of gangs all over the world, but the United States suffers more with street gangs. Gangs consist of young people of the same ethnic, racial, and economic background. It is known that these gangs engage in illegal money making and rival gangs with violent crimes. Gangs are known to be a violent reality that people now have to deal with in today’s society. Especially those living here in the United States. Gangs are groups of criminals that identify themselves by a group identity. These gangs bring fear and intimidation to their neighbors and communities. Usually, these gangs are identified by a common name, symbol, …show more content…

It is most likely that gangs here in the U.S have a connection with other gangs from other countries. Los Angeles and other parts of California are known to have the most dangerous gangs plus, suffer with a whole lot more violence. Many gangs are more violent than others however, it is known that there are gangs that keep the FBI awake all night long. Which are the ones that are bringing much more violence to their communities, in addition to harming innocent people. The FBI “says gangs commit 48% of violent crimes, and are only becoming more dangerous. Some even source weapons from the military” (McKenna, Business …show more content…

Most communities are affected by gangs. Most gangs are taking over the streets and harming innocent children. As we know not only children are affected, but also innocent adults. What most gangs are doing is that if someone gets into problems with a specific gang, they will most likely go after their family members. Many times what ends up happening is that the whole family end up getting killed. Communities are also affected by gangs because they are out there showing bad examples to kids in those areas. Communities fear gangs because of the harm they can bring to