Gay Marriage In Australia Essay

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This quote captures the essence of an illogical heterosexual mind set, and that of the modern day Australian government, that still hasn’t legalized gay marriage. The ideal that no one of the same sex is allowed to marry is grossly unfair and quite frankly a mockery of everything this country stands for. As diverse and multicultural as Australia is, it lacks the empathy and equality that it needs to further and better itself. Every day, same sex couples in Australia aren’t allowed to legally bestow upon each other the gift of marriage. The unity of encompassing love that two people want to share for the rest of their life, and it’s been legally denied. It’s a melancholic topic to discuss, but there won’t be a change if it’s brushed beneath the carpet once again. …show more content…

Statistics show that the majority of youth in Australia are pro same sex marriage but are confused as to why it hasn’t been passed as legal yet. The feeling that your two fathers, or mothers will never be able to publicly announce their relationship as simply anything more than that, is simply distressingly mournful. Being confused as to why love is bound by what your gender is and that there are restrictions on who you can love with your body legally, is just morally incorrect. To deny the unity of a child’s parents is not only damaging that child’s perception of their parent’s love but who to love themselves. Children should not be taught to specifically like one gender over the other as they grow into young adults, but instead be taught to love whoever with their heart, because love isn’t exclusively between male and female, it’s between love and love. If you have a heart, or better yet if you’re human, you’d undeniably understand and help legalize gay marriage within