Gelatin Case Study

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There Is a Reason Why Patients Are Given Gelatin in the Hospital

Gelatin Gelantin consists of glycine and proline. Nowadays, people do not consume these amino acids as they are found in organs, bones and fibrous tissues. These parts are rarely found on our dinner plates. On the other side, these amino acids are essential for our well being. They are useful for weight regulation, good skin condition, proper function of the immune system and growth of the nails and the hair. Moreover, glycine, which makes 1/3 of all the amino acids in gelatin, possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It is able to improve sleeping patterns and to speed up the healing of wounds.
Why patients are served gelatin? Gelatin is a type of food that can be digested really easy by our bodies. Patients in hospitals are often given gelatin because this is the only food that their digestive system can handle. The body needs time to recover after surgery or injury, so it does not need further pressure by digesting foods that are difficult to digest. Jello is a mixture of food color and gelatin. It restores the mucosal lining of the stomach and increases the secretion of …show more content…

• It assists the liver in cleansing toxins of the body.
• It is good for the teeth, hair and nails as it contains keratin.
• It improves the elasticity of the skin as it contains collagen.
• It has anti-inflammatory properties so it speeds up wound healing.
• It improves sleeping patterns and cognitive function.
• It boosts the metabolism, promotes weight loss and improves production of growth hormones.
Homemade jelly
• 3 tablespoons gelatin
• 1 cup orange juice
• 1 cup grape or strawberry juice
• 1 cup green tea
• Honey or stevia
Method of preparation: Prepare the green tea and add stevia or honey. Add the gelatin and mix well. Leave the mixture to cool down and add the juices. Mix well and put it in the refrigerator for 3

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