Chinese Family Gender Analysis

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MINOR ESSAY 1 a1695334 Hui Qiao

Connell claims that ‘gender must be understood as a social structure. It is not an expression of biology, nor a fixed dichotomy in human life or character. It is a pattern of our social arrangements’ (2009: 10). My interpretation of her claim on the term “gender” comes to this, it all depends on the patterns of behaviour of the social group or society that person is associated with. It is not dependent on the biology of which the individual is birth to or having the contrast to the other character of either being a male or being a female. It will achieve this by examining the Chinese Family, Gender Roles includes wife’s primary housework role, and the husband will provide protection and major family …show more content…

This two examples are figures the unequal relationship between male and female. Social roles, which are socially constructed, and gender arranges people into a structure. The first thing before research to understand the view of Connell statement is about the difference between “gender” and “sex”. According to the lecture notes sex is a biological term and it is focus on the reproductive organs or genitals. “Gender” is an understanding of each social network of each individual that they are associating with. From the journal Gender: In world perspective by Connell R., the definition of gender is in culture and language, not only in biological reproduction, but in different aspects of objects, and the state of mind or state may also be gender. In general, society view gender as a …show more content…

Marriage and childbearing have been closely linked with work-family role conflict (De Vaus & McAllister, 1991; Wierman, 1990). There is a study showed that being a mother, in a sense, means that women will faced to a lots of challenges such as career breaks and a disproportionate share of family responsibility. However, both gender relations changes in contemporary family of China. women’s socioeconomic status has obviously increased and they accept the higher education. Chinese family roles have undergone tremendous changes in the past few years. By means of a number of indicators, Women’s socioeconomic status really improved and almost equal to men. Also In terms of labour income, power positions, and housework, it is disadvantageous to

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