Gender Stereotypes In Canada

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With Canada and it’s population of approximately 35 millions inhabitants, In todays day there will definitely be racism present regarding Islamophobia. Canada being a free country, isn’t giving equal living rights to the women who wear a head gear in regards to their religion.

In the present day Muslim women wear hijab and Niqab to cover themselves to respect their religion, and show their expression of their cultural identity. Muslims across Canada are free to practice their religion in which they choose. Whether or not Muslim women choose to participate freely in the practice of respecting their commandments, citizens of Canada are still shaming for there choices. Muslim women have various reasons on why they choose to wear a head gear …show more content…

One of Canada’s very own leader Stephen Harper positions on his campaign trial about anti-niqab crossing the racism line. Few Canadians who support Muslims in their culture disagree with Stephen Harper’s remarks and are considering not voting for the party he takes lead in or not at all due to him crossing the racism line by isolating these women for simply following something they believe in, however for Stephen Harper it as all about getting elected at the end of the day no matter what shade is being thrown at him. Parts of the Canadian community give negative feedback to Muslim women wearing head gears and would know from personal experience. Along with the back head being covered and parts of the face, harsh people of Canada society are labelling these women terrorist and harmful to their surroundings. When the only harmful situation going on is the snarky and rude actions forwarded towards these women by the racist Canadians against Muslim traditions. Whether or not a careless action causes a homicide or a suicide, a person has lost their life. Several deaths have been reported due to racism towards muslim women or men who as well follow the religion. Putting a stop to hatred against Muslims is a very high priority for Canada to find a