Gender Thesis For Inequality

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Essay Topic
In what way is gender basis a basis for inequality in contemporary society.

Start point: interpreting the essay question and key words
By asking for 'In what ways ', the question wants me to explain or interpret the proposition of how gender basis is a basis for inequality in contemporary society, by using relevant sociological theories and research. I need to supply evidence of how gender manages to persist as a basis or principle for inequality in the modern world and link this analysis to sociological concepts. From my observation gender is a basis for inequality, especially cultural aspects; such as family, educational institutions and the media.
Key concepts: Gender order, Hegemonic masculinity, Feminism , stereotypes …show more content…

I will use graphs: 'Occupational segregation by gender, 2006 ' and 'Housework labour by gender, 2006 ' as examples of this data.

2. Lupton, G., 1993. Society and gender. South Melbourne : Macmillan, 1992.. (p67-69,93)

Argues how families, educational institutions and mass media influences social structures, stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice on the basis of gender in society.

3. Szirom, T., 1988. Teaching Gender?, Vol. 1. Allen & Unwin Pty., Limited. (p.12-19,58-67)

This book refers to the construction of gender and how it is formed from a young age and continues through to adulthood, linking to the formation of gender and sexual identity.

4. Wilcox, W., 2013. Gender and Parenthood. Columbia Univ Pr. (p.164-170)

Explores how parenting across the family life cycle influences an individual 's economic perspective and there suitability of partners in providing certain types of care and resources depending on gender. Thus, creating stereotypes in a family environment.

5. Ridgeway, C.L., 2011. Framed by gender: How gender inequality persists in the modern world. Oxford University Press. (p. …show more content…

Provide a brief essay plan


In the introduction I will state what the essay is going to be about by outlining the concepts that I 'm going to use and relate them to how gender is a basis for inequality in society. The concepts that I 'm going to draw upon are hegemonic masculinity and patriarchy. I will then introduce what each paragraph will say in the essay and point towards my answer in the essay question, which is that they create gender inequality in contemporary society.


1. Outline and define key sociological concepts: Hegemonic masculinity, gender socialisation and patriarchy from primary and secondary sources.
2. Discuss how gender manages to persist as a basis or principle for inequality in the modern world. I will use Pietsch data graphs and statistics as evidence of the divide in labour, economic income and hierarchy in the work force between men and women.
3. Discuss the construction of gender and how it is formed from a young age and continues through to adulthood, linking to the formation of gender and sexual identity. I will use Szirom example of gender socialisation: primary, secondary and territory