Generation Timeline

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A generational timeline towards millennialism today
"By living through several generations, and following the news, the future of societies relationship with current affairs can never be predicted." - Interviewee
The progression of society and differing generational groups can be followed through the observation of television news and the impact it makes upon these generations. Although the first electronic television dates back to 1927, it is the development of the human race which transpired a generational mixture of television viewers. Through the continuation of generations, rapidly evolving ideas and emotions have become the metabolism of this network we call 'news'.
Traditionalist; a person born from the 1900's to 1945, aged 63 to 86, often called "the forgotten generation". People within this generational group experienced momentous historical events, such as World War 2 and The Great Depression. Through the use of a black and white television, and journalists such as "the …show more content…

These middle aged people are the guinea pigs for television news agencies as they grow up in a series of "world firsts". Not only does the visualisation of the television come to life in colour, but this "Me -Generation" now becomes effected by news focused on Civil Rights and the Cold Was Through viewing these major events on television news platforms, Nadia, a 53 year old woman now reveals that when she was growing up in this generation "hearing about such historical news worried (her), however (her) parents were used to it from their previous childhood." In comparison to the news she was subjected to throughout her own childhood, news today stands "less focused on history, and more on violence." Oliver Luckett, a social media guru, calls this new generational transition a "free- form society" with "a high imbalance" when it comes to the use of various platforms to access and share news