Genetic Engineering Informative Essay

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Editorial I think that genetic engineering is an amazing technological advancement. It might have some long term effects (which haven’t even been discovered yet),but it also saves lives by allowing people in developing to get food and certain vitamins more easily. We can also bring back animals that were extinct (some of them are because of us) so we and future generations can see them. It also brings down prices on certain products, and if used correctly, it won’t harm the ecosystem. I think we shouldn’t fear the side effects of genetic engineering, until they are actually discovered. And if that wasn’t enough we can also make newborns healthier and more likely to survive. Genetic engineering is a great new branch of technology that will benefit us and future people. Title Page Genetic Engineering By:Arthur Wu What is Genetic Engineering? According to What is Genetic Engineering, genetic …show more content…

According What is Genetic Engineering GMO crops are more resistant to diseases,grow faster,have higher yields, can grow in more places than a normal crop,and use less pesticide. All of these benefits allow farmers to make more money. In the article Genetically Modified Algae Could Soon Show up in Food,Fuel,and Pharmaceutics, it said that GMO crops can make products cheaper and more abundant. The video, The Eyes of Nye said that GMO crops add vitamins and are helping developing countries tremendously. In the article, It Looks Like we’re One Step Closer to Creating Genetically Modified Humans in Labs it said, that genetic engineering can get rid of genetic diseases on newborn babies , and allows parents to control the baby’s health. Another article on Popular science called,Scientists Want to Bring a Bird Back From Extinction it says that Genetic engineering can bring extinct animals back, and help endangered species. Genetic engineering can make many positive changes for our world, and for